Robotkin is a kin identity under the Otherkin umbrella wherein one identifies as a robot and often believe themselves to be spiritually nonhuman or in a non-physical way, such as through reincarnation or psychologically.
Robotkin often feel a spiritual connection towards robots and machines, often psychologically and with the belief that their souls is internally that of a robot. Robotkin often identify strongly with the idea of transhumanism, a philosophical movement advocating for the advancement of the human condition through technological developments that enhance the human lifespan, cognition, mood, and physical abilities, as well as posthumanism, another movement in which a person would exist in a state that is beyond human. Transhumanism focuses on biotechnological enhancements of humans, while posthumanism deviates itself to the point individuals would no longer be considered human by current standards, becoming a complete robot instead.
The 'Soul' Argument
The Soul Argument states that any nonhuman identity that cannot possess a soul does not count as a legitimate identity. This argument is disputed by believers of animism. Animism (an·i·mism /ˈanəˌmizəm/) is the attribution of souls to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena. Many robotkin may feel shunned or otherwise alienated from the greater otherkin community over this discourse.
People worldwide carry animist ideals—some even extending souls to things like machines and rocks. This argument excludes ideas deemed "ridiculous", based on ethnocentric ideas from the Western part of the world of what might or might not have souls.